New Study: Easter Bunny’s Fur Repels Covid-19 Virus

Filed in Recent News by April 11, 2020

WHILE the Easter Bunny has been given the green light to visit everyone one on his list, astounding new research has found the Easter Bunny is not only immune to the virus, but his fur retards the virus and he poses no risk of cross-contamination between houses.

Dr Dani Muscat veterinarian with Pet Medical, said public health did have some concerns with the Easter Bunny cross-contaminating houses, but the new research confirmed this was not a risk for the rabbit.

Dr Dani Muscat, with Finn the rabbit, explains new research clearing Easter Bunny.

“This is incredible news while we knew the Easter Bunny was not able to contract the virus, we were unsure if he could pick up the virus on his fur and cross-contaminate other houses, so this finding is remarkable,” said Dr Dani.

“Initially the Easter Bunny was going to simply leave eggs in the garden this year, to avoid going into people’s homes, but we now know he can make his deliveries as normal,” she said. 

“The Easter Bunny also had concerns about leaving chocolate in some people’s gardens if they had pets who might eat the chocolate eggs before the children found them,” she explained.

“We don’t understand why his fur acts as a retardant, it seems to actually repel the virus which means there is no risk of him going into anyone’s home and becoming contaminated,” she said.

“The researchers wanted to conduct more studies with the Easter Bunny, but understandably it is a very busy time of year for him and as a rabbit he was uncomfortable being in a lab, so he recommended ferrets help with ongoing studies,” she said. 

“But it is great news for the Easter Bunny and everyone that he is visiting that he can safely deliver eggs to everyone,” Dr Dani Muscat explained.

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