Premier: 6 New Cases – Vigilance Needed

Filed in Just In by May 13, 2020

THERE were another six cases of covid-19 detected in New South Wales overnight and the Premier has urged people to remain vigilant about social distancing as restrictions ease on Friday.

“From Friday we will be analysing the data very closely, because we appreciate once you ease any restriction, there’s more activity, there’s more chance of people getting the virus or passing it on to others,” said Premier Berejiklian.

“We have to maintain our vigilance,” she said.

“Even if they are members of extended family or very close friends, keep your social distance,” Premier Gladys Berejiklian said.

Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Health said he was concerned complacency could set in and the virus could spread.

“I fear that some people in our community now think that we are doing so well that this is the end of it,” said Mr Hazzard

“We have seen overseas what can happen when complacency sets in and in some jurisdictions complacency was there right from the word go,” he said.

“As the Premier noted New South Wales and Australia has done extremely well and has been recognised by overseas authorities as to the fact that we are amoungst the leaders in the world in terms of how we’ve managed this situation,” Brad Hazzard said.

The New South Wales health system has continued to increase capacity to ensure people can be treated during the pandemic.

“So many people around the world can’t even get access to the care that they need,” said the Premier.

“In New South Wales we have our system ready, ready to take care of people,” Gladys Berejiklian said.

More than 1,500 staff have been trained in intensive care and the number of ventilators has doubled.

“Our preparation is continuing and part of that preparation is we have to have more staff to look after people in intensive care units across our entire state,” said Mr Hazzard.

“This virus is out there in the community and we know that at any moment it could flare up, we’ve seen clusters in particular areas and it can still occur,” Brad Hazzard said.

Health Update

  • 6 new cases identified
  • 8,117 people tested
  • 3,059 cases confirmed
  • 2,517 people recovered
  • 1 death, 47 deaths in total

The person who died was an 81 year old woman who contracted the disease on the Ruby Princess.

Of the six new cases, one was a nurse from Newmarch House, two were close contacts, two were initially inconclusive but now confirmed and another is being investigated.

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