Can You Help A Neighbour?

Filed in Just In by March 20, 2020

WHEN the chips are down the Aussie spirit can shine through in caring for our neighbours and many of our neighbours may soon need some support.

There are already people in our community in self-isolation as a precautionary measure and many people who are elderly or have an underlying health condition may need help in the community.

Lee Watts and Sue Abbott helping neighbours connect with flyers. Can you help deliver some?

Sue Abbott and Lee Watts got to work this week, after hearing about a great initiative in the UK to help neighbours in quarantine with a flyer, where people write down their contact details and tell their neighbour how they can help them.

“It started with Becky Wass in Cornwall who thought what could she do for people who were quarantining and she initiated #viralkindness which is going around the world and we are rolling it out in Scone,” said Ms Abbott.

“I’m so glad to see that the Local Member (Michael Johnsen MP) has picked up this initiative that we’ve started and is being co-ordinated by Lee and her marvelous team here at the Neighbourhood Centre, it’s great that everyone is coming on board,” she said.

“Lee will be co-ordinating a roster for people to deliver the flyers and there have already been people phone in and put their names down because people have heard what we’ve been up to and it’s just wonderful to see the community pulling together,” Sue Abbott said.

Lee Watts, manager of the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre said the flyers were a great way to do something to help others.

“People may know their neighbours but they might feel awkward asking for help, so this is a great way to give them your phone number and let them know how you can help,” said Mrs Watts.

“You may be able to pick up some shopping for them, some medications from the pharmacy, post some mail, or just give them a phone call to check in and see how they are going,” she said.

“It’s these little things that can really help in a practical way and also just for people in our community to know that someone has thought of them, that they are not alone and people are here to help.

“People can also call the Neighbourhood Centre directly if they need help during self-isolation and we can connect with volunteers to deliver some shopping or things they need.

“So if people can volunteer we’d love to hear from them too.

“People can pick up the cards from the Neighbourhood Centre, but we will also be trying to drop off some flyers to letter boxes, so if you find one in your letter box, fill it out your details for your neighbour and drop it off to them,” she said.

“Everyone is feeling a little anxious, so let’s put our energy into practical things we can do to help each other and we’ll also feel better,” Lee Watts said.

To get some flyers, help deliver some flyers or for support during self-isolation phone the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre: 02 6545 2562.

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