Council Meeting: April 2018

Filed in Recent News by May 2, 2018

THE following matters were raised at the Upper Hunter Shire Council meeting on Monday:

  • Medication incidents: Cr Sue Abbott asked for more information on the report from Gummun Place aged care facility in Merriwa, for the medication incidents mentioned to be detailed and part of their report to Council.
  • Homeless housing: Cr Abbott asked what was being done to have more housing for the homeless in the Upper Hunter Shire. Cr Wayne Bedggood said they had tried to secure grants “but have been unsuccessful for state funding and it’s unknown why”, but they would continue to try. Matt Pringle, director of environmental and community services, said they would keep advocating to state government.
  • Role of doctors in Murrurundi: Cr Abbott asked why there was a need for a memorandum of understanding between the community of Murrurundi and the state government’s area health service. Cr Bedggood said the community wanted some agreement on the terms and conditions of the employment of doctors in the area and what services they agreed to provide. Cr Abbott questioned how this would differ to the contract the doctors would have to provide specific services and pointed out that the contract would override such a memorandum. Cr Bedggood said he was unsure, but thought it was a good idea.
  • Kangaroo culling: Cr Maurice Collison wanted an update on the culling of kangaroos at the Scone Airport saying that the number of kangaroos there was dangerous.
  • Passenger planes: Cr Abbott asked if there was any prospect of passenger planes operating from Scone airport again. Cr Bedggood said various operators had looked into the possibility but it was not financially viable, indicating that the issues were with Sydney airport, which makes it difficult for smaller airports.
  • Revitalisation changes: Cr Abbott said the Aberdeen revitalisation committee did not have a quorum for the last meeting and made the point that the notes from the meeting were therefore not minutes, which was noted. Further, she said the lack of representation was due to the late notice to members which needed to improve. It was noted that Paul Bonniface and Jo Fernandes had resigned from the Scone revitalisation committee. Further Cr Abbott said she had also been told Jenny Dawson had resigned from the Scone committee, which would mean that it not longer has a quorum. Cr Burns said Ms Dawson “also resigned, but expressed a desire to come back.”
  • Live, Work, Invest video: Cr Abbott said she had had feedback from the business community which was critical of the lack of diversity in the video and didn’t introduce any new narrative. Cr Bedggood said it was a “living document” and would take those concerns “on board”.
  • Footpath signs: Licencing fees for signs on the footpath for local businesses will be waived and Cr Burns requested letters be sent to all local businesses notifying them of the change.
  • Run for Council: Cr Abbott noted that in the ways the community could seek representation and participation with Council, that running for Council themselves should be added.
  • Waste Fees and Charges: Cr Abbott said the new document on waste fees and charges was difficult to read and should be rectified before it went on public display.
  • Pound progress: Cr Abbott asked if the cat section of the pound had been insulated and raised concerns that dogs were no longer being fed using dog bowls. It was confirmed the dogs were still being fed from bowls and an additional roof structure had been placed over the existing roof of the pound in the cat section. Steve McDonald, general manager of Council also said they would be examining other insulation options and fans in the cat section.
  • Reverse vending machines: Cr Abbott asked if her concerns about the EPA’s non-compliance with disabled access to the machines had progressed adding that she had emailed the EPA and had not received a response. Mr McDonald said he would follow up.
  • Bypass video: Cr Abbott asked where the due diligence was up to in relation to the flood study for the bypass, saying she was concerned the current design would create more flood issues. It was confirmed Council wanted to do a study and would be looking for a grant.
  • Dog control: Cr Abbott raised concerns about the number of roaming dogs in Scone saying it was really dangerous, a fact that was recently highlighted with Guide Dog day where more guide dogs are being attacked by other unrestrained dogs. Cr Bedggood said they would be more diligently policing the Bill Rose complex to ensure dogs were not off leash in the area and that the rangers were available after hours and on weekends.
  • Flaggs Road intersection: Cr Ron Campbell said the intersection signage was obscured and needed to be addressed.
  • Pressure pump: Cr Campbell said residents in Scully Close, Merriwa has complained that after a blackout “they can’t even flush their toilet” and it needs to be better managed.
  • Welcome signs down: Cr Campbell asked when welcome signs to Merriwa, which were already made, would be erected.
  • Recycling in Merriwa: Cr Campbell asked if the reverse vending machines might be rolled out to other areas, as the residents in Merriwa had shown interest.


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