Council Meeting: August 2019

Filed in Recent News by August 28, 2019

Present at the meeting were: Cr Sue Abbott, Cr Wayne Bedggood, Cr Joshua Brown, Cr James Burns, Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Lorna Driscoll, Cr Kiwa Fisher, Cr Lee Watts. Absent from the meeting was: Cr Maurice Collison.

Shorter Swim at Murrurundi: A motion was proposed to have a shorter swimming season at Murrurundi from November 30 until March 29. The additional cost of operating the pool was estimated to be $35,000 and season passes for the pool would be reduced for the season. Cr Joshua Brown questioned the shorter swimming season at Murrurundi. He said while he understood due to the level 6 water restrictions the costs involved with the pool in Murrurundi, he also thought the pool season at Murrurundi should be the same as the season at other pools in the Shire. The motion for a shorter swimming season was passed.

Phillip Street Zoning: Cr Fisher said he thought it was a good idea that the recommendations for zoning in Phillip Street first go to the development and environment committee meeting, before returning to the general Council meeting. Mathew Pringle, director of environmental and community services, said people would have more time for public participation in the D&E meeting. Mr Pringle further advised he was unsure if the recommendation would go to the September or October D&E committee meeting and was dependent on the time needed to review all submissions. See related story:

Fire Safety in Murrurundi: There was a recommendation for Council to enforce an order to cease trade at 46 Haydon Street, Murrurundi until all fire safety provisions are in place. Cr Brown questioned the legality of the motion explaining that elected Councillors should not enforce such an order and that was the role of the general manager. Cr Watts agreed and suggested the motion specify that it be enforced by the general manager. Cr Fisher said the applicant had not been forthcoming with the fire plan and it had been outstanding since the July 2017 development and environment committee meeting. He raised concerns about if a fire were to break out that Council could be liable. The motion was amended to include the general manager and was passed.

Speed Up RV Parks: A motion was proposed to investigate suitable locations for RV parks in Scone, until the bypass is completed.  Cr Watts said the RV parks need to be prioritised and identified sooner. The Mayor wanted to amend the motion to not just be in Scone but across the Upper Hunter Shire. The motion was amended and passed.

Arts Upper Hunter: Cr Abbott noted she had resigned from the board and said she had thoroughly enjoyed the three years and wished the next person well.

Australia Day: There was a motion to amalgamate Australia Day Awards across the Shire. Cr Watts asked for the motion to be amended to a motion to undertake community consultation and gauge community support. Cr Watts said Council needed to start taking an inclusive approach across the Shire. She further said no awards would be taken away, in fact there may be more localised awards for the individual townships. Cr Watts said it was embarrassing to have awards with nobody niminated. Cr Campbell said the Merriwa community had expressed extreme disagreement and were angry at the proposal. He further added Cassilis had not been included in the proposal. Cr Campbell said the Australia Day Awards were “not about bringing people together” but celebrating individual towns. He also questioned if some towns would have venues large enough to accommodate everyone when it was their turn to host the awards. Cr Abbott said it seemed practical to bring all of the towns together if many were not getting any nominations. She said she though what Cr Watts had put forward was a very sensible and rational approach. Cr Burns said he was against the motion. Cr Brown said he was pleased there would be community consultation and Murrurundi has always had nominations in each award. Cr Brown said if one ceremony was to be held Murrurundi would work within that, but would like to have an event the night before to celebrate and recognise recipients in their town. Cr Watts said Murrurundi used to hold a ceremony the night before and she said she believed that would work. Cr Watts also explained the change would not occur until 2021, when there would be a new Council. Cr Burns said he changed his mind and was for the motion.

Rugby Representative: Cr Campbell said he commended Matthew Edwards for his efforts and that these initiatives were what Council donations should be used for, where people were making great effort themselves and a contribution from Council was additional support.

Tree Policy: Cr Abbott urged the community to put in submissions for the new tree policy and said the community was shocked when trees were cut down in August, stressing the importance of looking after existing trees. Cr Campbell raised concerns about the trimming of trees and if it would still be possible. It was confirmed it would be.

Plastic Policy: Cr Abbott stressed the new plastics policy would be about education, rather than a punitive tool. She urged community groups to raise their concerns and identify issues so that solutions could be found to reasonably reduce plastic use. She also commended the work of Council staff in visiting other Shires where similar policies had been implemented and how they addressed issues.

Previous Questions

St Mary’s Crossing: Cr Watts asked why the proposed second crossing for St Mary’s primary school had not progressed since February. Cr Watts was advised it was because the principal of the school had not responded to Council. Further the principal did not support an additional crossing in Waverley Street.

Glyphosate: Cr Abbott asked if there had been an alternative found to the use of the herbicide glyphosate and was advised new options were being trialled.

Perth Street: Cr Driscoll said a light needed to be placed on the northern corner of Perth Street because at night it was difficult to see the turn-off.

Library Lighting: Cr Watts noted the lights on the exterior entrance to the library needed to be replaced. Cr Watts advised Council would raise it with the landlord.

Swimming Carnivals: Cr Abbott said Council should encourage schools to hold swimming carnivals outside of the heat of the day.

Electronic Diaries: Cr Abbott ask that Council staff properly use Councillor’s electronic diaries to ensure they were invited to events.

Youth Global Strike: Cr Abbott asked if Council would be supporting local students to take part in the global strike to support climate change awareness. The Mayor said they would look into it, but he was conscious of possible legalities.

New Flag Pole: Cr Brown asked that a new flag pole at the Murrurundi War Memorial be prioritised before Remembrance Day.

Real Christmas Trees: Cr Campbell asked if a location could be identified in each town where a real Christmas Tree could be planted.



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