Council Meeting: February 2019

Filed in Recent News by February 27, 2019

THE Council meeting on Monday began with an impromptu announcement from the Hon., Michael Johnsen MP that the Council had been successful in a grant application for phase one of the Scone Revitalisation to the tune of $2,965,782. Related story: Some Money for Revitalisation.

Later in the meeting Cr Sue Abbott drew issue with State Member making the announcement at the meeting, which was not scheduled in the Public Participation section of the meeting, which Council enforced with other residents and suggested a more appropriate course of action could have been sending a text to the Mayor to advise Council.

The Mayor notified the meeting that Council meetings would now be audio recorded, however anyone wishing to make their own recording had to gain permission from Council for “higher authority”.

Councillor Joshua Brown was an apology for the meeting; all other Councillors were in attendance.


Chris Wilson addressed Council to thank them for their financial support to compete in a bull riding competition in Wyoming, USA in which he placed ninth in the world. Last year he also became the 2018 World Junior Bull Rider in Las Vegas. Related Story: Chris Wilson: 2018 World Junior Bull Rider Champion. Chris brought the buckles he had won and said he would be at the Scone Rodeo this year.

Mark Reedman from Arts Upper Hunter gave an update to Council on the work the organisation was doing across the Dungog, Muswellbrook, Singleton and Upper Hunter Shires highlighting $11,800 worth of grants to the local Shire for art projects.

Hamish Le Poer Trench spoke to Council in support of his development application for rezoning of 2-4 Phillip Street and 2 Muffett Street in Scone for his mobile diesel mechanic business. He said the business would employ two to four people and would contribute to the Scone local economy. (UPDATE: Mr Le Poer Trench is not the owner of the business. Please see: Setting the Record Straight.)


Climate Change Position: Cr Abbott put forward a motion to recognise the climate emergency and to implement local sustainable programs, advocating to state and federal government and encouraging other Councils to do the same. Cr Ron Campbell said he recognised there were changes in the climate, but suggested Cr Abbott “read history”. He said he didn’t agree there was an emergency and that “we adapt to our environment”. He further said climate change was a state and federal issue and Council’s shouldn’t be involved.

Mayor Bedggood said he agreed with Cr Abbott. He added that state and federal government had failed to address the issue, that the facts were indisputable that there is a change in climate and “we want to mitigate it”. Cr James Burns said he believed it was simply a name change to the current Sustainability Committee.

Cr Kiwa Fisher said he believed it was indisputable that there was an emergency with records around the world being broken in climate and saw the motion as beneficial. Cr Lee Watts said she wanted to see Australia moving in the right direction with climate change and to look at targets and include that in future planning. Cr Abbott thanked the Councillors for allowing her to speak to the topic and said the April planning sessions was an ideal time to send it out to the community. The vote was four against four, with the Mayor casting the deciding vote in favour of the motion.

Development and Environmental Services:  An amendment to the Development Control Plan was proposed. The Council committee supported the amendment, but raised concerns with the St Aubins Estate proposal of 400 lots in terms of soil salinity and ground water. Cr Abbott raised these concerns in the Council meeting and was assured the amendment was separate to the DA for St Aubins Estate.

The proposal to rezone land from residential to industrial at 2-4 Phillip Street and 2 Muffett Street the committee recommended be referred to the NSW Minister for Planning for a gateway process. Cr Abbott opposed the rezoning and said it was a residential area and there was gradual creep of industrial into the township. Cr Abbott also referenced the industrial estate of Scone and how it had ample room for industrial activities. The motion was passed to allow the rezoning.

Merriwa District Australia Day Committee: Cr Ron Campbell said the day had been a success and said the lamingtons supplied were good.

Upper Hunter Library Services Advisory Committee: Cr Abbott said people in Merriwa were disappointed that the local library hours had been reduced. She also said Muswellbrook Library should not be called Upper Hunter Library as it was confusing and seen as a “grab” at the name of Upper Hunter. The Mayor agreed. The general manager, Steve McDonald said he had written a letter to Muswellbrook Shire, however they said they would not change it.

Merriwa Aged Hostel Committee: The report noted the Hostel was non-compliant with four standards and noted non-compliance in the last three accreditation visits. The Council, which operates the aged care facility, was given its third and final notice from the NSW Department of Health and advised if they failed again the Department may impose sanctions such as appointing an administrator. Cr Campbell said he believed it was a good facility and things would be brought up to speed.

Scone Revitalisation Committee:  Cr Abbott raised concerns about reappropriating restricted funds from the Bill Rose Sports Complex to the Scone Revitalisation project. She also made comment that it was “rude” of the Hon., Michael Johnsen MP to interrupt a Council meeting to make the announcement. Related story: Some Money for Revitalisation. The motion was passed to reappropriate funds.


Another Crossing at St Mary’s: Cr Watts said there had been a close call with a child on Friday last and asked for second crossing for the school and to repaint the existing crossing. It was referred to the traffic committee.

Indoor pool for Scone: Cr Watts asked for progress on the proposal for an indoor pool in Scone, which was taken on notice. She further asked for a progress report of a ramp being available for disabled people using the pool. It was advised that a ramp system had been successfully trialled in Murrurundi, which will be rolled out to Merriwa and Scone pools.

Inmates at the Cemetery: Cr Watts asked what had happened to the cemetery program in which St Hellier’s inmates did voluntary work? She was advised the program had dropped off, but would be reinvigorated.

Free Drinking Water: Cr Watts asked if Council could support the initiative of Murrurundi Public School of providing free water on the walking trail. It was taken on notice.

Murrurundi Hospital Centenary: Cr Abbott asked if Council was going to do anything to celebrate the centenary celebrations of the Murrurundi Hospital. It was taken on notice. Cr Abbott asked why the Council was refusing to send information to and why their media policy had been written in a way to exclude the online news? Cr Abbott argued should be given information and did meet the policy anyway. The general manager, Steve McDonald said he would agree to meet with

Gun shop policy: Cr Abbott asked if there was a policy on gun shops in the Shire. It was taken on notice.

Submission for Australia Day and Citizenship Ceremonies: Cr Abbott asked why Council had not made a submission unlike other Councils. The Mayor said it was a decision which was made by Councillors in a previous meeting and was probably best addressed with individual Councillors.

Bicycles with Baby Seats: Cr Abbott asked if there could be bicycles with baby seats included in those rented at the Scone Visitor Information Centre. Council advised her that there was “virtually zero” use of the existing bikes. Cr Abbott suggested they should be outside on display so that people could see they were available and had not been properly promoted.

Merriwa Surgery: Cr Campbell asked if there was a starting date for the Merriwa surgery. It was taken on notice.

Silo Artist: Cr Campbell asked when a new artist for the silos at Merriwa would be appointed, following the last artist withdrawing. It was taken on notice.

Aberdeen River Walk: Cr Fisher asked why the Aberdeen River Walk was not in the agenda papers. It was taken on notice.


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