Council Meeting: March 2019

Filed in Recent News by March 26, 2019

HIGHLIGHTS in last night’s Council meeting included progress with a development application for a service station, restaurant and motel on the bypass, (see previous story New Petrol Station and Motel Proposed) a draft aged care plan for Merriwa is on display (see previous story Merriwa Aged Care Under Council Cloud) and lobbying for the waste levy to be returned to regional areas is occurring.

All Councillors were in attendance.

Questions Missing

Cr Sue Abbott questioned why the minutes from the Infrastructure Services Committee were so “boiler plate” and asked why the questions asked by Councillors were not recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The General Manager took the question on notice.

Bypass Petrol Station Development to go on Public Exhibition

A development proposal for a petrol station, motel and restaurants to be built on the bypass near the St Aubins off ramp be put on public exhibition for 28 days was passed by Council. The proposal will be placed on exhibition once further information on flood mitigation is received by Council, which they estimate will be at least another four weeks. (See related story: New Petrol Station and Motel Proposed). Cr Abbott said she was concerned about the proposal for a range of reasons including the impact the development would have on businesses in Kelly Street, saying Scone would effectively be completely bypassed.

Gumman Place Aged Care

Cr Sue Abbott asked if there would be an additional cost for an aged care consultant being engaged at the facility and if the draft aged care plan would be placed on public exhibition. Cr Abbott was informed that there would be no additional cost for the consultant, as staff rostering was being reviewed and savings identified there would offset any costs. They further advised an aged care plan is currently on public display, with submissions closing on April 4. See related story: Merriwa Aged Care Under Council Cloud. Make a submission: Draft Aged Care and Disability Care Strategic Plan.

Waste Levy

Cr Abbott asked if it was possible to do more to lobby state and federal government to get 100 percent of the waste levy being charged locally, to be directed back to local government, instead of being used in coastal regions for environmental projects. She also asked if manufacturers could be doing more to reduce waste. The Mayor said both state and federal governments were aware and they would continue to lobby.

Merriwa Doctor’s Surgery

Cr Ron Campbell asked for a start date on the refurbishment of the Merriwa Doctor’s Surgery. The question was taken on notice.

Crown Reserve Improvements

Cr Joshua Brown asked if the $32,000 grant application had been lodged for the Crown Reserve Improvements in Aberdeen. He was advised it had been.

Saleyard Animal Welfare Issue

Cr Abbott said she was concerned to learn of an animal welfare issue at the saleyards and said Council seemed to be more concerned about the public seeing an animal in distress, than the actual animal in distress. The incident related to an injured animal which was observed on February at approximately 5:30pm, but was not euthanised until approximately 9am the following day. Complaints were received about the state of the beast and treatment for the beast. An autopsy of the beast confirmed there were no broken bones or major injuries. It was revealed there was no one on site at any time to make decisions and carry out euthanising. The committee agreed there needs to be a policy to support agents in making decisions to prevent this from happening again and posters need to be erected with phone contact numbers. They also recommended hessian be supplied to the saleyards to screen off the beast from public view in future events. The Mayor said Cr Abbott’s comments were not fair, in terms of the public perception being more important than the welfare of the animal, that he shared her concerns for animal welfare and protocols would be changed. Cr Maurice Collison who sits on the saleyard committee said that people tried their best, but he thinks things can be done better and a closer eye will be kept on it.

Numbering of Saleyards

Cr James Burns said he had spoken to several experienced cattlemen who raised the issue of new numbering on pens at the saleyards, which were planned to be alpha-numerical and proposed that the pens be just a simple number system to make it easier for truck drivers who arrive after hours. The suggestion was noted.

Airport Committee Minutes

Cr Abbott questioned why minutes were not taken at an airport committee meeting. Cr Collison said he believed they had been updated and they we removing to ensure minutes are recorded at the meeting.

Phone and Voting Powers

Cr Abbott asked the minutes of the Sustainability Advisory Committee to be amended to reflect that a member of the committee participated on the phone, but was not present at the time as a voting committee member.

Get the Waste Levy Back

Cr Abbott said she had gone to a recycling summit in Canberra and many other regional Councils were working to get the waste levy to stay in the local area adding it was unfair on the Council and the community for the levy to be spent elsewhere.

Merriwa Library Services

Cr Abbott asked if the electronic people counter at had been installed. The question was taken on notice. Cr Campbell said the library was often unattended and he was concerned about security. He was told there are security cameras installed, which were monitored by staff and a buzzer to monitor when people walked into the library.

ANZAC Day Ceremonies

The Councillors nominated which Councillors would attend the various ANZAC Day ceremonies. Cr Driscoll will be in Aberdeen for both services, Cr Watts will attend the Scone dawn service, Cr Burns the 11am Scone service, Cr Brown for the dawn and 10:45am service in Murrurundi, Cr Campbell at Merriwa, the Mayor will attend the Gundy service and Cassilis is to be confirmed.

Code of Meeting Practice

Cr Brown asked the new draft Code of Meeting Practice be put on display for a period of 42 days, instead of 28 days. Cr Burns asked the draft be emailed to all Council committee members. Cr Abbott said she was concerned about the new code stifling public participation.

Rural Water Supply Policy

Cr Brown endorsed the new Upper Hunter Shire Council rural water supply and recommended it go on public display for a period of 28 days. The policy will determine which properties are able, or not able, to connect to rising water mains or trunk mains within the Shire area.


Questions Left Standing

Cr Brown asked where the questions asked by Councillors went, when they were yet to be answered. It was recommended unanswered questions are left standing in the minutes, until they are resolved.

Failing Signs

Cr Watts asked that the banners at the entrances to towns promoting Stop, Revive and Survive messages be better kept, with most falling down and looking unsightly. She also suggested that the one in Scone was blocking the War Memorial near the pool was possibly not the best location.

Kelly Street Toilets

Cr Watts asked where the public toilets were in Kelly Street which they said would start development in January 2018. The Mayor said they had only just received approvals in the last two weeks. Cr Burns said it was subject to money from the state government and “we’ve run out again.”

Hospital Centenary

Cr Abbott again asked if there were any plans to celebrate the Murrurundi hospital centenary and asked if the building would be listed as heritage. The Mayor said the question would stay standing in the minutes until resolved.


Cr Abbott asked if bikes could be available in other towns across the Shire. The General Manager said they would need to have a business case and the bikes available in Scone were underutilised. Cr Abbott said the bikes in Scone were not well promoted and they should be on display so that people knew they were available. The Mayor said they would revisit the promotion of the bikes.

Water Restrictions

Cr Abbott asked since Glenbawn Dam was at 50.3% capacity, would the Council wait until it was at 50% before making water restrictions mandatory. The Mayor said the state government had triggers on the dam and the usage across the Shire was only 0.02%. He said he felt the state government triggers were too late and thought it was a good idea to have restrictions so that people were more mindful of water use. Cr Abbott asked if the mines had priority for the water and asked how that pans out as the dam dries out. The Mayor said there are triggers in place for industry, including the power station.

Librarian for Merriwa

Cr Abbott asked when Merriwa would be getting a librarian. The general manager said they do have a trainee librarian on staff across the Shire and it will be a budget consideration.

Murrurundi Medical Centre

Cr Brown asked if arrangements had been finalised for the Medical Centre to be occupied. He was advised a lease had been signed and they needed to clarify the start date.

Rouchel Road

Cr Brown asked if work raised in October 2016 on the Rouchel Road to mitigate falling rocks and provide drainage had progressed. The general manager advised that the works to secure the rock face may not be possible and they were looking at an option to relocate the road.

Councils Sharing Skills

Cr Burns said he had been advised there were metropolitan Councils which were willing to assist regional Councils with staff exchanges and he thought it was a good idea.

Tarring of the Hunter Road

Cr Burns asked if the entire Hunter Road could be tarred and he had asked the question on March 16 and was awaiting a response. The general manager said his question was received and he would have a response next week.

Security Cameras in Merriwa

Cr Campbell asked if security cameras would be operating in Merriwa’s main street. He was advised they would have a response for the next Council meeting.

Recycling in Merriwa

Cr Campbell said he visited the tip on the weekend and found the recycling, especially of cardboard unsatisfactory, with bins overflowing. He was advised they would look at getting more bins and having them emptied more frequently.

Killoe Road

Cr Campbell asked if an inspection had been carried out on the road, which had further eroded with recent rain. The question was taken on notice.

Street Light in Merriwa

Cr Campbell asked why the street light near the Royal Hotel had not been fixed by Ausgrid. The general manager advised it had been discussed and he will ask why there has been a delay, acknowledging it was important to be fixed.

RV Overnight Area

Cr Collison asked if an RV overnight area could be fast forwarded. The question was taken on notice and the Mayor said he would personally push for it.








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