Covid-19: Health and Police Update

Filed in Recent News by April 17, 2020

DR Kerry Chant, chief medical officer for New South Wales has said a study on school children has indicated they are not driving the infection.

“The study suggests children are getting infected, but their not driving the infection from children to children, it’s more around adults infecting children and adults passing it on from adult to adult,” said Dr Chant.

“Interestingly we often see outbreaks of gastro or respiratory illness in schools, but we’re not seeing that with Covid-19, internationally we’re not seeing it predominantly associated with school based outbreaks,” she said.

“We don’t know the reason for that, maybe it’s something around the immune response or something specific around children it may be they have a milder illness and their not symptomatic and therefore not coughing and sneezing there are a lot of speculative reasons put forward for that but this is why we’ve commenced this research to further understand that,” Dr Kerry Chant said.

Yesterday there were 4,988 tests conducted, which the Premier described as outstanding in efforts to find community transmission.

“It demonstrates capacity to come forward for testing…anywhere across the state important to maintain that level of infection,” said Premier Berejiklian.

“During this time of restrictions we’re taking it as an opportunity to expand the capacity in our health system to make sure that when the virus gets worse and is more spread through the community, which it will be that our health system has the capacity to take care of everybody,” explained Premier Gladys Berekjiklian.

Dr Chant encouraged people to come forward for testing especially people in aged care and health care, even for very mild symptoms.

“It is reasonable to discuss with your GP whether you need a Covid-19 need testing,” said Dr Chant.

“A clear strategy for us is to increase testing and have a sustained high level of testing, particularly over the next couple of weeks so we can get a very frank assessment of community transmission in New South Wales,” said Dr Kerry Chant.

Statistics today:

  • 29 new cases
  • 26 deaths – none in past 24 hours
  • 217 people receiving care
  • 26 people in intensive care
  • 19 people are being ventilated
  • Ruby Princess: 153 crew have tested positive and anti-body testing is being conducted.  

Of the 29 new cases, three were overseas acquired, 20 were from a locally acquired confirmed case or part of a cluster, two cases locally acquired contact unidentified and four cases are under investigation.

A seven week old baby boy was diagnosed with Covid-19, from a family source, however it is unknown how teh family contracted the virus.

At the Anglicare home there have now been 29 cases reported.

Hospitals expanding and workers returning

The government has added an extra $100million to building hospitals including expanding bed capacity at Royal North Shore, Mudgee and Dubbo hospitals. Dubbo will receive additional intensive care beds, taking their total number from 12 to 32 beds.

More retired health care workers have answered the call to assist during the pandemic.

Police Update

  • Reports of family and domestic violence have increased
  • Domestic violence assaults are down
  • Alcohol related crimes are down
  • Street crimes are down

Commissioner Mick Fuller said a concerning trend is the increase of speeding offences, especially with speeding over 30 and 45 km an hour. 

“Just because there are less cars on the road, doesn’t mean you can drive recklessly and put other people’s lives at risk,” he said.

“There may be less cars on the road, but that doesn’t mean you can drive recklessly and put other people’s lives in danger,” he said. 

“It’s a time where we need to protect our health system and that kind of driving behaviour will not be tolerated,” said Commissioner Mick Fuller.



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