Editorial: It Gets Worse…

Filed in Just In by March 6, 2020

STAFF at the local supermarkets are now being yelled at by customers demanding to know when the next delivery of toilet paper will arrive.

Some customers have also started purchasing Imodium, because of their concerns with the toilet paper shortage!!

I am confounded that this is continuing and escalating…

Honestly people:

  • TOILET PAPER IS MADE IN AUSTRALIA – there is NO threat to the manufacturing of toilet paper in Australia.
  • Toilet paper producers have tripled their production in direct response to the level of stupidity in the community.
  • Producers, while enjoying the jump in sales, have assured the community they will not run out of toilet paper, Australia has plenty and they can continue manufacturing three times as much as we need, if we continue to be stupid.
  • The reason toilet paper is running out in our supermarkets is so many STUPID people bulk buying it, not the corona virus or manufacturing.
  • If you do contract a virus and confine yourself to your house, you can go online to order your groceries, including toilet paper, and it will be DELIVERED!
  • If you have friends, which in fairness the people bulk buying toilet paper probably don’t, they can drop off a packet of toilet paper and leave it at your front door.

To the thinking, considerate members of our community PLEASE resist the temptation to join the stupid, remain calm and purchase the normal amount of toilet paper and carry on. This too shall pass.

To the stupid and selfish: I am being sent photos from readers of people bulk buying toilet paper in the aisle, at the check out and in the car park…think twice if you bulk buy…your photo could be published soon…

Related stories: Editorial: Questions for Scone’s Stupidest.

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