Home Based – Back In Business – Sort Of…

Filed in Just In by May 5, 2020

WOMEN across the state will be excited to learn the government has given home based businesses the green light to get back to work.

UPDATE: The government has changed their restriction during the course of today and home based services, such as those mentioned in this story, are now not allowed to provide services, but may sell products from their home based business. No wonder people are confused.

The nature of home based beauty services is a reduced risk environment compared to busier salons where there are more staff and customers in contact, however high levels of hygiene and implementing social distancing as much as practicable is still required.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Roy Butler MP has confirmed “mobile” beauty businesses can continue to operate, with some restrictions.

AND FOR FURTHER CLARITY: Some of our male readers have taken offence to me describing women being excited to get their nails and waxing done with beauticians opening (now not opening) saying it was a feminist bias (I think they mean misandry bias, but anyway), but to be clear if men are excited about the opportunity to get their nails done, that is wonderful and they have my personal full support…and next time I meet such a man I will be sure to genuinely complement him on his fabulous nails! Just to be clear.

The easing of restrictions allows home based services such as beauty, waxing, tanning, nails, tattoo and massage services to open for trade.

Good infection control measures in this environment may include:

  • When customers make an appointment ensure they are well and have no mild symptoms such as a scratchy throat or runny nose;
  • Consider an area where customers can wait for their appointment without coming into contact with another customer;
  • Ask your customers to wash their hands thoroughly or use a hand sanitiser on arrival;
  • Clean contact areas thoroughly between clients, with soap and water or disinfectant;
  • Dispose of gloves, masks and other protective equipment you may use between clients;
  • Use credit card or direct deposit where possible, to avoid handling cash, and
  • Keep a record of your clients and contact details, should contact tracing ever be needed.

Read the recommendations for workplaces on Safe Work Australia.

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