Letter: Council Not Aged Care Specialists

Filed in editorletters, Recent News by March 26, 2019

Dear Editor,

I write regarding the story: Merriwa Aged Care Under Council Cloud.

I have spent more than 10 years working in aged care both in Sydney and in the country and I was truly appalled to read of the situation at Gummun Place.

Worse so, that ‘our’ Upper Hunter Shire Council has not kept this local Aged Care Facility, that they own and operate, up to the standard required by Government regulators, when they themselves are a apart of Government ie local government!

Not only did they not keep the facility compliant, it would appear they did little to rectify the issues, in the time they were given on the things that didn’t pass accreditation….and on three occasions!

This is totally unacceptable, especially when this is the home of our most vulnerable, our aged persons in our local community and in this Shire. What example does this also set?

No wonder people have lost so much faith in this UHSC. It’s one thing for Cr Ron Campbell to say its a good facility, but in this day and age especially, it is like any other business, it must be compliant to certain rules and regulations…..for very good reason.

Cr Campbell cannot also continue to say words to the effect of “It will be ok, I’ll/we’ll fix it,” this is so dismissive of him! He has never worked as a specialist in Aged Care and to be so casual after the third non-compliance shows why Council should not be running these facilities.

Bringing in a contractor is just a band-aid solution to many very big, on going issues ie maintaining compliance.

It is really important that elderly people can stay in their home towns for aged care, but we need to ensure that the operators are operating to the highest standards, which they deserve and if Council aren’t doing that we need to look at alternatives, their health and welfare comes above all else.

May I also add that it is shameful of Council to try and hide this whole serious matter away from the ratepayers of this Shire, which only goes further to question their own credibility.

It is good to hear Ms Edith Shipway’s, (a member on the board) opinions and I agree with her wholeheartedly!

The Mayor Mr Bedggood, has only just last night, come out with his story, after concerns were raised by local people in Merriwa??! That is truly unjustified….and why a Council, having no skill set in Aged Care, would think they could operate such a facility, beggars belief.


Mary Jane Blake


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