
News Archives
June 12, 2020
Editorial: Introducing Taylah Fellows

TAYLAH Fellows arrived in Scone last week to begin her career as a journalist. Taylah graduated with a degree in journalism from Griffith University in Queensland in 2018 and we are excited to buck the current regional media trend and offer her a job. While other media are winding back, we are gearing up, with […]


April 20, 2020
Editorial: Time to Adapt

THE saying ‘may you live in interesting times’ is certainly true right now as we all adapt to a new world, but there are always some comforting constants and through this time the nature of a small community remains. I’ve always been passionate about the importance of small regional towns having local news and we’ve […]


March 24, 2020
Editorial: Confirming Local Cases of Coronavirus

MANY residents want to know when the first cases of covid-19 are confirmed in Scone and the broader Upper Hunter Shire, while it is understandable there is an important reason why those figures won’t be released and it’s not simply patient privacy. There are many people in self-isolation locally, but that does not mean they […]


March 5, 2020
Editorial: Questions for Scone’s Stupidest…

SITTING in Scone I giggled at the stories coming out of Sydney about people stock-piling toilet paper. I felt relieved to live in a country town where people are practical, steady as they go types, don’t scare easily, think of others in times of need and have a “she’ll be right” philosophy. So when readers […]


January 16, 2020
Editorial: Confidential Campbell’s Corner Deal

COUNCIL’S purchase of the Campbell’s Corner building was one of the worst kept secrets in town. scone.com.au sought confirmation from Council on the proposed purchase throughout last year, but no response was provided. The purchase of the building may be a great decision, to ensure an iconic building at the heart of the town is […]


November 7, 2019
Editorial: Enough of the Emergency Spin!

WHEN the Upper Hunter Shire Council claimed if the airport was not certified by August 2020 key emergency services would not be able to service Scone, I questioned the claim and went straight to the key services to clarify. See story: Council’s Critical Emergency Claims Challenged. It turns out they were not aware of Council’s […]


September 23, 2019
Letter: Business As Usual Not An Option

Dear Editor, We joined approximately 80,000 other climate change strikers in Sydney today to demand that our federal government starts taking climate action seriously. ‘Business as usual’ is no longer an option and yet still Scott Morrison’s government digs its toes in to stay in bed with the big fossil fuel companies. The UN tells […]


September 18, 2019
Editorial: The Overpass: A Tale of the Ridiculous

IN 100 years time when people are waiting at the level crossings on Liverpool Street and Kelly Street and they wonder why an overpass wasn’t placed in town, here is the story of how it failed to happen… IN the beginning, residents waited at the boom gates on Liverpool Street and Kelly Street in Scone […]


March 28, 2019
Editorial: Finding the Best Option for Care

MANY changes are occurring in the Aged Care sector and more will no doubt follow in the wake of the Royal Commission. It is becoming more difficult with legislation and accreditation constantly evolving and in country areas staffing is a key concern. Within the industry there is a move to require a registered nurse (RN) […]


March 25, 2019
Editorial: The Tribe Has Spoken

MICHAEL Johnsen, from the National Party has been returned as the state member for the Upper Hunter electorate by a two-party margin of 4.25%. This election Mr Johnsen’s primary vote only reached 34.56%, down by 4.3% from last election and a far cry from the 54% primary vote of his predecessor George Souris. While Mr […]


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