Progress on Scone’s Revitalisation

Filed in Just In by April 23, 2020

COUNCIL’S Scone Revitalisation Committee met last night to discuss progress with local businesses concerned the impacts of the pandemic could be compounded when they reopen only to be hampered by works on the main street.

The Mayor said he was “tired of nothing happening in the main street.”

He said he recognised a lot of planning was required for the revitalisation but said it could “realistically six months before we see solid works on ground” and wanted to investigate what could be done now.  

Rachael McGuirk, from Hello World Scone said, “as soon as you are able to, you need to start the revitalisation now.”

Ms McGuirk said the restrictions with the pandemic were hurting local businesses and to then face street disruption would compound their trading issues.

“It’s not going to be fair to have their trade disrupted for six months,” she said.

“This has dragged on for so long….you need to be pushing every little bit you can,” she said.

“I do not want jack hammers outside my business when I can reopen my doors,” Rachel McGuirk said.

The Mayor suggested it may be possible to relocate by “40 or 50 metres where your shop front is…if Council were able to relocate you…would that be an option?”

Ms McGuirk, said it may be possible, but it would be contingent on considerations such as transferring IT infrastructure.

The general manager, Steve McDonald said such measures may not be necessary explaining much of the work would be conducted outside of businesses hours to ensure the least amount of disruption possible.

Alan Fletcher, Council’s manager of special projects said the budget for the main street consisted of approximately $1 million from Council, $3 million from resources for regions and Council has applied to the Department of Premier and Cabinet for a grant which may give an overall budget of $11 million.

The General Manager, Steve McDonald said this amount did not include the road works, which would be an expense to Transport for New South Wales, with geotechnical work ongoing.

Due to the pandemic it was difficult to conduct community consultation on the main street designs, explained Alan Fletcher. Channels for communicating with the community on the designs will be investigated.

Cycleway: The Council has also received $700,000 to fund a cycleway.

Horses Walk of Fame: There are plans for a “Horses Walk of Fame” with Council costing 100 brass plaques at $400 each. Mr Fletcher said at a total cost of $40,000 it was “pretty serious money” and the Mayor responded, “it’s a pretty serious concept.”

Please not a figure of $400,000 was initially incorrectly written as the amount of money for the Horse Walk of Fame, the total figure is actually $40,000.

Footbridge: A footbridge at Kingdon Street is part of the Council’s plan for the revitalisation and they are in discussions with the Australian Railtrack Corporation and Transport for New South Wales for the $1million project. Related story: $1 million Footbridge Planned.

Trademarking Horse Capital: The Council is also currently seeking to trademark “Horse Capital of Australia” which David Gatwood, Council’s manager of business services explained requires approval from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Signage: Signage at the entrances to the town from the bypass are still being investigated. Mr Gatwood said he knew someone to phone to get two LED signs measuring 3 metres by 2 metres to highlight attractions in the town. The Mayor said in the interim he would like to see temporary mobile signs as soon as possible.

Farram’s Lane: Plans for 133 Kelly Street and the development of Farram’s Lane are progressing with parcels of land acquired and infrastructure to be relocated.

Project Plan: Scott Shan asked if there was a project plan for the redevelopment, which showed a timeline of activities, explaining “we hear things have been put back…but if we could see something on paper…it would be a handy piece of information to have.”

The committee agreed a project plan would be useful.

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