Scone Court Report: April 2016

Filed in Recent News by April 22, 2016

SEVERAL residents have asked why we have not reported on allegations of white collar crime in the area, but as publishers we will only publish substantiated allegations.

For example, if something has been stolen from a house, unless the homeowner reports the theft to police, the police can’t investigate the matter, charges can’t be laid and the alleged perpetrator can’t appear in court.

We may report on the home owner telling us there has been a theft, the police issuing an update reporting the theft or a person appearing in court on charges of theft, but we can’t report on allegations unless they are substantiated.

We’ve also been asked by some people who have appeared before the court to omit them from the Court Report, however we will not show fear or favouritism in our reporting of court matters.

For example if we were to report on 30 people who appeared before the court, but omit two people, it would not only favour the two omitted, but arguably we could be liable for showing favouritism; so we do not make arbitrary decisions about who is included or excluded, we simply report on all matters that go before the court and leave judgements to the Magistrate.

Matters before the Scone Court in April:

Daniel Balford BAKER – a 27 year old from Kearsley presented on charges of stalk/intimidated intend fear physical harm and two counts of common assault. Mr Baker had also breached bail conditions. The Magistrate requested a doctor’s report before sentencing on June 23. Magistrate Prowse said “in the absence of that report you can confidently expect to go to gaol.”

Aaron Lloyd BATTISHALL – 36 year old from Lemon Tree Passage did not appear for the hearing into his charge of exceeding the speed limit by 10km/hr on New England Highway, Scone, to which he had previously pleaded not guilty. Mr Battishall did provide some written documentation in his absence. Constable Chris Russell gave evidence and after reviewing the evidence Magistrate Prowse found the allegation of speeding was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Magistrate Prowse also noted previous offences by Mr Battishall and fined him $500.

Andrew Charles Matthew BOWMAN – a 31 year old from Dunedoo pled guilty to a charge of drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol. Mr Bowman blew 0.089 at Cassilis on January 29 this year. He is currently participating in the traffic offenders program and the matter was adjourned until May 19. His license is suspended and he was warned not to drive.

Shannan James BREE – a 40 year old from Gunnedah was on charges of custody of a knife in a public place and possess/attempt to prescribed restricted substance. The matter was adjourned until May 19.

Scott Michael BRENNAN – a 21 year old from Scone presented on charges of drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol and drive license suspended. Mr Brennan returned a breath analysis reading of 0.101 on February 3, when pulled over by police in Kingdon Street, Scone. Magistrate Prowse noted that Mr Brennan played hockey and drew an analogy of him already having been given a yellow card and a green card and now he was facing the red card. “You clearly knew you were suspended from driving when you drove home the next day from Tamworth and the reason you came to police attention was because of the way you were driving and your only response was you had no other way of getting home. Your disregard for the law and secondly the very good advice by the police not to drive was not grasped by you and after being told you can’t drive you were doing so the very next day. It was an act of charity the police allowed you t0 drive to your destination and you spat in their face by driving the next day. There are lots of lawful was you could have got home without breaking the law, but you decided to break the law.” Mr Brennan was fined $500 and disqualified from driving for 12 months for breaching bond and $900 for drink driving. “If you get caught driving during the period of disqualification and you come to this court, not even the enormous ability of Mr Fraser will keep you out of gaol. Choose carefully.”

Christian Wayne BRODBECK – a 24 year old from Wallsend pled guilty to drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol with a 0.086 reading in Scone on March 6 this year. Mr Brodbeck had been at the Belmore Hotel in Scone celebrating the birth of his brother’s child. He estimates he consumed six of seven drinks between the period of 6pm and midnight. Magistrate Prowse asked why if he was such a fit young person did he not walk home to his parent’s place? Mr Brodbeck is an apprentice plumber on the Central Coast and his solicitor argued he needed his licence to be able to work and carry equipment which would not be possible on public transport. The matter was adjourned until June 23. Magistrate Prowse said his driving suspension will continue until then and said he would be weighing the need for his licence against the public interest and that he had already served a suspension in relation to his driving.

Shane David BROWN –  a 22 year old from Cassilis appeared on charges of goods in custody suspected being stolen, which was a red quad bike. His solicitor argued that he was naïve. Mr Brown had moved to live with his mother, near Bathurst. Magistrate Prowse said he knew the area well as he had once had two clients which escaped from the nearby prison and described the scenario as being like two episodes of Hogan’s Heros rolled into one. He described the weather there as a combination of sleet and rain, sleet and wind, sleet and snow and for about 30 minutes of the year some sunshine followed quickly by more sleet. He said his clients found it to be so cold they flagged down a police car and handed themselves back in. Magistrate Prowse took into account that Mr Brown had assisted police noting it made the difference between being convicted and not. He noted Mr Brown’s clean record and said by sending him home with his mother he would be subjected to freezing conditions which in itself was punishment. Mr Brown was given a section 10 and a good behaviour bond of six months. He further instructed Mr Brown to take his mother down the street and buy her a coffee.

Shane Patrick BROWN – a 25 year old from Muswellbrook had pleaded guilty to charges of goods in personal custody suspected stolen, possess ammunition without holding licence, not surrender firearm to police, possess unauthorised firearm ad possess unregistered firearm. Magistrate Prowse cited other firearms charges at Muswellbrook local court in 2014 and described the court as having shown him extreme leniency and that the experience had “obviously been wasted on you, because here you are again. I don’t know what it takes to get through your impenetrable skull; when a court tells you not to have anything to do with firearms; you are not to have anything to do with firearms!” Mr Brown was fined $300 and 120 hours of community service. He cautioned that if Mr Brown did not complete community services the direct alternative was gaol. “If you get busted even looking sideways at a firearm, you’ll be making a whole new range of friends.”

John Robert William COLLISON – a 58 year old from Scone, pled guilty to drive with low range prescribed concentration of alcohol. Mr Collison delivered a reading of 0.064 on March 27 in Hill Street, Scone. Mr Collison is completing the traffic offenders program and will return to court on July 21.

Connor CONSTABLE – an 18 year old from Merriwa entered a plea of guilty for novice driver with novice range prescribed concentration of alcohol, which was 0.011. The matter was adjourned to Singleton court on May 12.

Zac CUMMINGS – a 26 year old of Scone presented on charges including nine counts of goods suspected stolen, one of unlawfully possess number plates and one count of possess prohibited drug. The goods suspected stolen included: a Stihl chainsaw, Ryobi whipper sipper, Taylor Made golf bag and golf clubs including a King Cobra drive, Makita radio metabo hammer drill, Honda self-propelled lawn mower, 1000 metres roll of permelec electric fence wire, Honda edge trimmer, 1 x liquid force wakeboard, Haier 115L bar fridge model: HRZ-113, sid chrome socket set with initials “MK” on the lid, black and silver case containing assorted tools and soldering irons and a green kayak painted blue and white.

Mr Cummings’ solicitor requested a psychologists report before a penalty was imposed. He also requested Mr Cumming’s be placed on bonds. Magistrate Prowse responded that “he’s had more bonds that you can poke a stick at and the corrective part of that has been not apparent. It’s like casting seed on a stony ground, I wouldn’t throw fertiliser on the same ground or waste water.” Magistrate Prowse continued, “from reading the presentence report he doesn’t seem to care less, he says here that ‘if the price is right, don’t ask questions,’ it is like he is trying to channel Arthur Daily from Minder.” Mr Cummings solicitor argued that many of the goods were suspected stolen, to which Magistrate Prowse retorted “a suspicion that has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, because he has pled guilty, if he wants to reverse his plea I’m happy to entertain it.”

Mr Cummings solicitor argued that since Mr Cummings had spent three weeks in custody before he was granted bail in Tamworth, following fresh charges of goods suspected stolen in March, it should be taken into consideration for sentencing. Magistrate Prowse said, “really he should have been locked up on the spot and not given bail and now he wants to complain about it. Complaining about good fortune is perplexing.”

In sentencing Magistrate Prowse gave Mr Cummings a section 10A, conviction but no penalty for unlawfully possess number plates. The Magistrate said the drug possession was at the lower end of the scale, recorded a conviction, but nothing further and ordered for the drug to be destroyed. In relation to the stolen goods he said, “the presentence report reveals a number of issues, namely no contrition or remorse whatsoever. Your record also shows you’ve had every corrective opportunity including a suspended prison sentence, community service orders, fines and consequently you’ve demonstrated callous indifference to the victims. You are sentenced to 13 months gaol with a non-parole of 7 months.”

Mr Cummings also has fresh allegations of two counts of good suspected stolen on March 26 and 27 and breached bail conditions. A hearing for those matters has been scheduled for July 22.

Colin James DRIES – a warrant was issued for Mr Dries, a 46 year old from Aberdeen who was due to appear in relation to a charge of possess prohibited drug, which was alleged to be a 65 centimetre high cannabis plant.

Michelle Maree FARRELL – a 43 year old from Scone appeared on four charges of larceny, one of shoplifting, four counts of goods in custody suspected stolen, two dishonestly obtain property by deception, receive/dispose of stolen property and one of enter inclosed land not prescribed premises without lawful excuse. A psychologists report is to be prepared and the matter is adjourned for sentencing on May 19.

Adam Todd FIELD – a warrant was issued for the arrest of Mr Field, a 39 year old from Woodville. Mr Field is due to appear in court in relation to charges of three counts of drive whilst suspended, one count of use unregistered vehicle and use uninsured motor vehicle.

Joseph Terrance FRANKS – a 50 year old from Scone pled guilty to cultivate a prohibited plant, which were four well established cannabis plants measuring approximately 150 centimetres tall. Magistrate Prowse noted that someone had informed police Mr Franks was growing cannabis inside his vegetable garden. He also noted Mr Franks had been cooperative with police “and made admissions left, right and centre.” Mr Franks’ solicitor said he was cultivating the plant for his personal use for insomnia and Magistrate Prowse said he was glad Mr Franks had the “astoundingly brilliant plan to go and see a doctor instead.”  He further asked Mr Franks how his corn turned out and suggested Mr Franks “stick to growing corn, carrots, dill or whatever”. Mr Franks was charged $500 and the plants to be destroyed.

John Anthony FUREY – a 48 year old from Tamworth entered a written plea of guilty of drive with special range prescribed concentration of alcohol, which was 0.026 and possess prohibited drug, which was 5.22 grams of cannabis leaf. Mr Furey was fined $300 and disqualified from driving for three months.

Nicholas Michael GANT – a 27 year old who now lives in Gunnedah appeared on charges of resist officer in execution of duty and behave in offensive manner in/near public place/school. Mr Gant grew up in Cassilis. Mr Gant had been drinking since 11am at the Cassilis rodeo, had urinated near a police vehicle and resisted arrest. Mr Betts, Mr Gant’s solicitor, requested a presentencing report, however Magistrate Prowse said it would not be necessary as he did not need to assess alternatives to gaol for Mr Gant. Mr Betts protested that urinating in public could be better addressed with community service, however Magistrate Prowse pointed out that his concern was not with the urinating but with the offence with police. Magistrate Prowse asked Mr Betts why Mr Gant should not go to gaol and Mr Betts merely said because he had been an upstanding member of the community. Magistrate Prowse described Mr Gant’s behaviour as “a disgusting rendition of a drunken yobbo. Time after time the police gave you the opportunity to give your name and details and you would have only had a minor infringement, but you continued with your tirade to the police with abuse, personal insults and humiliation and you kept ramping it up.” Magistrate Prowse described the officers as extraordinarily professional and mused why they didn’t employ capsicum spray or the baton when Mr Gant was resisting arrest. The maximum penalty for the offence was three months and Magistrate Prowse ordered Mr Gant be imprisoned for two months.

Mr Gant returned to court later in the afternoon and Mr Betts again argued that Mr Gant was an upstanding member of the community who should not be published with a gaol sentence for one nights bad decision. Magistrate Prowse was unmoved saying Mr Betts had offered nothing new in his argument for his client. Mr Betts then said Mr Gant’s business would be negatively impacted and that should be taken into account. Magistrate Prowse asked for evidence of the claim, however Mr Betts was unable to produce it at the time and asked to submit the materials before court adjourned. Mr Betts did not furnish the materials before court adjourned on Thursday.

On Friday morning Mr Gant appeared again seeking bail and tendered necessary materials to support the claims made the previous day. Mr Betts again argued Mr Gant had good prospects of rehabilitation, which was all extinguished in minutes due to bad language. Magistrate Prowse again corrected Mr Betts saying it was not just the language, but Mr Gants behaviour towards police. Magistrate Prowse granted bail with a condition that Mr Gant not drink alcohol or take drugs unless those drugs are prescribed by a doctor. He warned Mr Gant that he would have to take tests to determine he is complying with the no alcohol condition and asked Mr Gant “what happens if you breach bail?” To which Mr Gant said “I come back here and then go to gaol”. Magistrate Prowse said while he would come back to court it would be a very brief visit before going to gaol.

Joel Michael GILL – a warrant was issued for the arrest of Mr Gill a 36 year old from Merriwa. Mr Gill is due to appear on charges of destroy or damage property and common assault. The hearing is set down for July 22.

Simon James GILMORE – a 23 year old from Wingen presented on the charge of drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol, which was 0.128 when breath tested in Kelly Street, Scone on April 1. Mr Gilmore will participate in the traffic offenders program and the matter was adjourned until July 21.

Raymond James GODDARD – a 36 year old from Scone has charges including assault occasioning actual bodily harm, maliciously destroy or damage property and two counts of common assault. Hearing and sentencing was adjourned until July 22.

Coral Jane HAMPSON a 75 year old from Scone pled not guilty to charges including five counts of common assault. The matter was adjourned until August 25-26 in Tamworth court.

Kristal HARTLEY – a 31 year old from Singleton Heights failed to appear for a charge of common assault and a warrant is to be issued for her arrest.

Beau Steven HENRY – a 21 year old from Aberdeen appeared on charges of aggravated break and enter and possess housebreaking implements. The matter was adjourned until June 23.

Bradly John HOCKLEY – a 41 year old from Scone presented on a charge of drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol, which was 0.108 on January 24 this year. After playing golf Mr Hockley said in his statement he had consumed 10 schooners of mid-strength beer and slept in his car. Magistrate Prowse took exception to a reference from Mr Wood and said “tell him that I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for the egregious loss you have suffered by not playing golf and if it was appropriate I would make not playing golf a condition of your bail, how drinking is connected with flogging a little white ball around is beyond me and missing golf is hardly worth mentioning, but Mr Wood has made much of it.” Magistrate Prowse suggested Mr Hockley should educate his fellow golfers on the risks associated with drink driving. Magistrate Prowse also said he may invite Mr Wood to “come up to the morgue every now and then to see the smelly, smoky corpses.” Magistrate Prowse noted Mr Hockley had been without a licence for three months, that he did not have any similar matters on his record and gave him a section 10 with a nine month good behaviour bond, but warned “don’t make the mistake of ever coming back while I am still here.”

Damien HORN –a 23 year old from Bonnells Bay has a charge of drive without proper control of a vehicle in Aberdeen on December 22, 2015. The matter was adjourned until May 19.

Elizabeth Louise IRWIN – a 35 year old from Wingen presented on a charge of drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol, which was 0.080 on November 28 in Scone. Ms Irwin freely supplied a copy of her Queensland driving record to the court and had attended traffic offenders program. Ms Irwin said “I should never have got behind the wheel, I should have found alternative transport or not drink”. Ms Irwin said she had consumed four drinks before driving. Magistrate Prowse noted Ms Irwin entered a plea of not guilty at the first available opportunity.  Magistrate Prowse further added Ms Irwin had “done five months of the six months minimum period of disqualification”, gave her a section 10 with a good behaviour of six months and recommended she apply for the reissue of her licence.

Nigel JONES – a 32 year old from Scone presented on breaching bail conditions relating to charges of possess prohibited drug including cannabis and 0.4g of amphetamine. Magistrate Prowse adjourned the matter until October 20 at which point he said he would work out if the bond will be revoked. “I’m completely and utterly disinterested between now and October 20, but on that date you will be facing the fork in the road.”

Corey John KILROY – a 20 year old from Scone was convicted in his absence of destroy or damage property, which was a gaming machine at the Belmore Hotel on February 19. Mr Kilroy was fined $600.

James S KREMAR – a 20 year old from Scone was on charges of go onto or into or remain on or in running lines, cause obstruction to railway locomotive or rolling stock and resist or hinder police officer in the execution of duty. The matter was adjourned until May 19.

Jake David LAMBERT – a 21 year old from Cessnock who has charges of drive vehicle, illicit drug present in blood, which is alleged to be methlamphetamine and delta-9-tetrahyarocannabinol and drive motor vehicle not carry licence was adjourned to Cessnock court on May 4.

Oliver LOVELL – a 25 year old from Sandy Bay, Tasmania has a charge of go onto or into or remain on or in running lines, which was adjourned until May 19.

Clinton John MANNING – a warrant was issued for the arrest of Mr Manning a 35 year old from Muswellbrook who failed to appear for breaching his bond in relation to a charge of possess prohibited drug, which was 0.045 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

Kieran John McGRATH – a 20 year old from Scone has charges including assault occasioning actual bodily harm, reckless grievous bodily harm, enter enclosed land without lawful excuse, possess prohibited firearm/weapon and carrying cutting weapon. The matter was adjourned until May 19.

Angus McKILLOP – a 20 year old from Blandford presented at the court in relation to a suspended licence. Magistrate Prowse said he was surprised Mr McKillop survived speeding through the death trap which is Mt Olivia on the New England Highway, but said having survived the death trap and with the promise of grievous bodily harm from his parents if his behaviours were to continue the matter was adjourned until December 20, during which time he expects Mr McKillop to be of good behaviour.

Timothy George Patrick MORGAN – the coronial inquest into the death of Mr Morgan was adjourned until May 19. Magistrate Prowse said he wanted to give the next of kin the opportunity to attend and said there were issues which needed further investigation as to how Mr Morgan had consumed so much alcohol and had become so disorientated that he was struck by a train. Magistrate Prowse said there were workplace issues and responsible service of alcohol issues and requested the licensing police also be in attendance.

Andrew John MURRAY – a 47 year old from Lane Cove has charges of drive uninsured motor vehicle and unregistered motor vehicle, on the New England Highway in Scone on December 15. The matter was adjourned to the Downing Centre for sentencing on May 3.

Lauren Maree O’CALLAGHAN – a 21 year old from Mudgegonga, Victoria presented for sentencing on drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol, learner/P1/P2 driver passengers (over 16) not wear seatbelts and not displaying p plates. Ms O’Callaghan who said in her statement that she had consumed six drinks between 8pm and 2am returned a reading of 0.121 when she was driving on Gundy Road, Scone on January 16. Ms O’Callaghan had four people in the car and only three seat belts. Magistrate Prowse said she was “very close to gaol” adding she could have lost control of the vehicle and killed someone. Ms O’Callaghan was given a section 9 good behaviour bond, instructed to attend a drug and alcohol program, was fined $1,000 and had her licence suspended for 12 months.

Taylor Shiralee PALLATON – a 51 year old from Stewarts Brook pled not guilty to destroy or damage property, which is alleged to be a wooden door and door frame of the court house on February 20, 2014 and not guilty to assault a police officer in execution of duty June 28, 2014 at Stewarts Brook. The matter is adjourned for hearing on September 1.

Paula Louise PALMER – a 43 year old from Cassilis presented on a charge of drive with low range prescribed concentration of alcohol. In her statement Ms Palmer said she had four middies of pre-mix scotch and coke between 8pm and 11:50pm before driving in Cassilis on January 30. Ms Palmer used a breath testing device she had purchased from Tandy and it returned a reading of 0.05, so she decided to wait 15 minutes before driving. Magistrate Prowse said it was good Ms Palmer had the good sense to wait 15 minutes, although she didn’t account for her blood alcohol level possibly still climbing in that period and any margin of error with her device. He also questioned why she would willingly mix coke with perfectly good scotch. Ms Palmer was given a section 10 bond of good behaviour 6 months.

Karen Jane PARKER – a 39 year old from Broken Hill presented on a charge of special category driver drive with special range prescribed concentration of alcohol. The matter was adjourned until September 22, with the Magistrate suggesting Ms Parker look at getting a P2 or full licence before she came back to court.

Meg PICKETT – a 20 year old from Muswellbrook pled not guilty to drive motor vehicle while licence suspended. After hearing the details of the case Magistrate Prowse concluded it was perfectly plausible Australia Post did not deliver a notification t Ms Pickett that her licence had been suspended and the matter was dismissed.

Damon PRINGLE – a 43 year old from Scone had charges of good suspected stolen (angle grinder), and three counts of possess prohibited drug including 1.4g cannabis, 1g of amphetamine and 0.6g of methylamphetamine. Mr Pringle has other matters to address at the Newcastle court, so a presentence report was ordered all matters are to be heard in Newcastle court on May 25.

Simon Lindsay POLLOCK – a 33 year old from Quirindi who was in custody presented on charges of drive motor vehicle during disqualification period, which was adjourned to June 23 at Scone. Mr Pollock also pled guilty to possess prohibited drug, which was two grams of cannabis at Tarro on April 18. That matter was adjourned to Raymond Terrace on May 23. Magistrate Prowse advised Mr Pollock not to even sit in the front seat of any vehicle, “if you get in a taxi be un-Australian and sit in the back, it’s why I asked if you owned a ute; if you get on a bus, go straight to the back and avoid being a passenger on a bike in case you have the overwhelming need to throw the rider off and ride into the sunset.”

Sumarlinah RADEN WINOTO – a 20 year old from Chatswood has charges of go onto or into or remain on or in running lines, cause obstruction to railway locomotive or rolling stock and resist or hinder police officer in the execution of duty. The matters were adjourned until May 19.

Thomas Leslie REICHEL – a 24 year old from Parkville failed to appear in accordance with bail conditions. The matter was adjourned until June 24.

Anisa ROGERS – a 24 year old from Fitzroy North in Victoria has charges of go onto or into or remain on or in running lines, cause obstruction to railway locomotive or rolling stock and resist or hinder police officer in the execution of duty. The matter was adjourned until May 19

Dean ROLFE – a 37 year old from Waratah had a charge of drive vehicle illicit drug present in blood alleged to be delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol on December 9, 2016 on the New England Highway at Ardglen. The matter was adjourned to Newcastle court on May 5.

Michael John ROLFE – a 24 year old from Scone failed to comply with community service orders in relation to a drink driving offence in Scone on August 21 last year, where Mr Rolfe returned a reading of 0.094 and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Harris SAMUELS – a 27 year old from Scone has a charge of drive with mid-range prescribed concentration of alcohol of 0.114, in Short Street, Scone on January 17. The matter was adjourned until May 19.

Brent Thomas SAVILLE – a 23 year old pled guilty to charge of assault and fined $400.

Janet SINCLAIR – a 49 year old from Aberdeen pled guilty to a charge of use unregistered registerable class A vehicle on the road. Ms Sinclair said she took delivery of the vehicle on the understanding it was registered and had been driving it for four days. Magistrate Prowse said “I accept you were led up the garden path in terms of the registration”. The case was proved and dismissed.

Peter SINCLAIR – a 67 year old from Gatton, Queensland has charges of use class B vehicle number plate obscured, driver not record required information after starting work, solo driver work more than standard maximum time, driver class 1 or 3 heavy vehicle not keep relevant document, use heavy vehicle in a way that contravenes exemption, drive heavy vehicle not comply loading requirements and solo driver rest less than standard minimum time. The matter was adjourned until May 19.

Samantha SMITH – a 26 year old from Bolton Park had a charge of 0.78g of cannabis in Scone on January 14. Magistrate Prowse said the amount of cannabis must have needed atomic scales to be weighed and a microscope to find it to be weighed. Ms Smith was convicted, but no penalty was imposed. Magistrate Prowse said if the police “can find it (the cannabis) they are entitled to destroy it.”

Curtis James STRONG – a 20 year old from Scone pled guilty to a charge of common assault. Magistrate Prowse asked for how long Mr Strong would like to go to gaol stating the maximum was a period of two years. He outlined how Mr Strong had continually goaded the person he assaulted, before punching him in the head twice. Magistrate Prowse said “surely to goodness you have heard all about drunken violence and consequences of ‘coward punching’, which has rightly received a lot of publicity and yet here you are. How did you know Mr Wilson may not have fallen over and hit his head on the pavement and died. You’re just a puffed up little bantam rooster! And the best way to deal with a rooster upsetting the yard – whack!” A presentence report was ordered and the matter was adjourned until June 23.

Richard Kenneth THOMPSON – a 54 year old from Woolomin entered a plea of guilty for drive vehicle with illicit drug present in blood, for methylamphetamine on December 9 at Ardglen. The matter was adjourned to Cessnock court on June 29.

Michael Clay THORNE – a 23 year old from Gungal appeared on four charges of drive motor vehicle while licence suspended. Magistrate Prowse said he was half a heart-beat away from being locked up, but thought an appropriate penalty would be 330 hours community service adding, “I would strenuously suggest you don’t look anything like driving. If you get caught driving you know what is going to happen.”

Sonya Grace TRANTER – a 48 year old from Scone entered a plea of guilty for possess prohibited drug, which was 84.6g of cannabis in Scone on November 6. Magistrate Prowse said Ms Tranter “needs to come to the realisation that until it becomes legal you need to find legal ways of relieving stress.” Ms Tranter was convicted under section 9, given a good behaviour bond for 6 months and instructed to attend alcohol or drug program. Magistrate Prowse said, “try medication before trying this again!”

Lachlan Andrew WHITEHEAD – a 20 year old from Scone presented on a charge of possess prohibited drug, which was 0.81g of cannabis leaf. Magistrate Prowse noted Mr Whitehead had a similar matter in Muswellbrook on December 14 and suggested “it might be a good idea for you to give up the whoopy weed!”. Mr Whitehead was convicted and fined $300.

Peter Grahame WINTER – a 59 year old from Scone has three charges of possess prohibited drug including cannabis and methylamphetamine. He is to undertake the MERIT program and the matter was adjourned until May 2.

Read: Previous Court Reports.


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