Tag: Upper Hunter Shire Council

News Archives
June 30, 2020
All Ability Park To Go To Bill Rose Sports Complex

LEE Watts, manager of the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre said she is pleased to have worked out a solution for the all-ability access play park with the Upper Hunter Shire Council, with the proposed relocation from Amaroo Park to the Bill Rose Sports Complex in Scone. Read more…


June 25, 2020
Merriwa – Willow Tree Road: A “Disaster”

TONIGHT Upper Hunter Shire Council held an extraordinary meeting to pass a motion to give the General Manager and Mayor authority to spend up to $5 million repairing the Merriwa to Willow Tree Road, after Council failed to build the road to specification. Cr James Burns amended the motion to include: that Council have insurance […]


June 25, 2020
Too Many Questions Causing Council Concern

AT the May Council meeting former Mayor, Wayne Bedggood took Councillor Sue Abbott to task for asking too many questions at the general Council meeting, claiming other Councillors were “not comfortable” with her questions and told her to ask questions directly of others or use other forums. The former Mayor also publicly warned Cr Abbott […]


June 25, 2020
Airport Submissions Due July 2

PUBLIC submissions for an independent review of the Scone Airport Development have welcomed public submissions, due on Thursday, July 2. Ratepayers are earmarked to contribute $10.8 million to the $23million development to upgrade airside infrastructure and build a warbird museum to attract a projected 1,000 visitors a week. Following community concerns about the scope of […]


June 23, 2020
Botched Roadwork Will Cost Ratepayers Millions

TODAY the Upper Hunter Shire Council confirmed they did not build the Merriwa to Willow Tree to specification and the remediation works will cost millions to ratepayers and may take up to three years to complete. A project manager from Transport New South Wales has been appointed to manage the preparation of a new design, […]


June 16, 2020
Mayor Collison and Deputy Fisher

THERE was only one nomination for Mayor and Deputy Mayor this evening at the Council meeting, with Cr Maurice Collison being elected Mayor and Cr Kiwa Fisher elected Deputy Mayor until the general Council elections in September next year. Mayor Collison thanked the Deputy Mayor, his friends and family for their support. “To my fellow […]


June 16, 2020
Sue Speaks On Mayoral Election: Tonight 5pm

A NEW Mayor for the Upper Hunter Shire Council will be elected tonight at 5pm. The mayoral election will be voted on by councillors and not the public after Council voted against a popularly elected mayor during the 2016 elections. Nominations require two councillors to sign a nomination form for the nominee, which the nominee […]


June 15, 2020
Council Plan To Take Playground Funding

YESTERDAY afternoon the Upper Hunter Shire Council issued a statement stating it would request the state government to hand over the $120,000 in grant funding they awarded the Scone Community Resource Centre (SNRC) to Council instead, to build an ability park in Scone themselves. The statement follows a decision by Councillors at an extraordinary meeting […]


June 12, 2020
Mayor To Be Elected On Tuesday

THE Upper Hunter Shire Council has advised the new Mayor will be elected by Councillors at an extraordinary meeting on 5pm, on Tuesday June 16, following the resignation of Wayne Bedggood this week. Deputy Mayor, Maurice Collison is currently acting as Mayor and if he becomes Mayor, Councillors will also need to vote for a […]


June 12, 2020
Neighbourhood Appalled At Council’s Cuts To Disability Playground

FOLLOWING the Upper Hunter Shire Council’s decision last night to slash budget from Amaroo Park, president of the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Stephen Watson, said the community group would not be able to build an all-ability playground and will need to return $120,000 in grant funding. Mr Watson said they were shocked the first vote […]


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